Highland Local School District - Regular Meeting

Middle School Robotics Room
Wednesday, June 14, 2023 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm

    1. Call to Order

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    3. Roll Call

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    4. Approve Minutes

    Resolution to approve the minutes for the May 10, 2023 Regular Board of Education Meeting as presented
    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    5. Approve Financial Statements
    Mr. Fleming

    Resolution to approve the May Financial Statements as presented.
    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    6. Public Participation

    In order for the Board to fulfill its obligation to complete the planned agenda in an effective and efficient manner, a maximum of 30 minutes of public participation may be permitted at each meeting.
    Each person addressing the Board shall give his/her name.  If several people wish to speak, each person is allotted three minutes until the total time of 30 minutes has elapsed.  During that period, no person may speak twice until all who desire to speak have had the opportunity.  Persons desiring more time should follow procedure of the Board to be placed on the regular agenda.  The period of public participation may be extended by a vote of the majority of the Board present and voting.

    7. Leave of Absence

    Resolution to approve one (1) year leave of absence for the 2023-2024 school year.

    Melissa Hoar                            High School Health Teacher
    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker              

    8. Maternity Leave Request

    Resolution to approve maternity leave request for the 2023-2024 school year.

    Madalyn Jones                Elementary Teacher

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    9. Accept Resignation Letters From Personnel

    Resolution to approve the resignation letter from the following personnel.

    Monica Ellis                    Special Education Teacher

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    10. Employ Classified Personnel by One (1) year contract

    Resolution to approve the following classified personnel by one (1) year contract per the adopted salary schedule.

    Morgan McClure                EA2 

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    11. Employ Certified Personnel By One (1) Year Contract

    Resolution to approve the employment of the below personnel by one year contract at the step and column recommended by the Superintendent for the 2023-2024 school year.

    Emily Shaw                         Elementary Kindergarten Teacher

    Tabitha Mogan                  Elementary 4th Grade Teacher

    Nina Markovic                    Preschool Intervention Specialist

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    12. Literacy Specialist Salary Schedule

    Resolution to approve adding the Literacy Specialist position to the Elementary Assistant Principal salary schedule as currently approved.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    13. Employ Certified Administrator by one (1) year contract

    Resolution to approve the following certified administrators for the 2023-2024 school year.  Salary per our adopted salary schedule.

    Kayla Ross                    Literacy Specialist                Step 0

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    14. Employ by Three (3) Year Contract

    Resolution to approve the following non-teaching employee by three year contract.

    Dana Lehman             Technology Systems Administrator

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    15. Employ by Supplemental Contract

    Resolution to approve the following personnel by supplemental contract for the 2023-2024 school year.  Salary per our adopted salary schedule.

    Payton Woodruff        Varsity Assistant Boys Soccer Coach        0 yrs. Experience

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    16. Employ Classified Substitute

    Resolution to employ the following classified substitute on an as needed basis to be paid at the hourly rate equivalent to bachelor's step 0 via timesheet effective March 23, 2023.

    Glenda Morgan            

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    17. Summer Work Students

    Resolution to hire the following summer work students for a maximum of 16 hours per week at a rate of $10.10/hr beginning on 6/12/2023.

    Maddie Carpenter

    Amarie Morgan

    Ava Fichtner

    Keiran Taylor

    Henry Spence

    Kami Stover

    Zach Church

    Kegan Searls

    Kylee Cooper

    Sophia Hinkle

    Maddux Byard

    Kayla McLeod

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    18. Summer Work Staff

    Resolution to approve payment of $1,000 to Tarren Woodruff and Melissa Stover for supervising the summer work program, payable upon Superintendent approval of program completion.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    19. Approve Teacher Summer Work

    Resolution to approve summer work, authorized by the superintendent, for curriculum and leadership development payable at the equivalent of their hourly rate.
    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    20. Administrative Assistant Duties - 2023

    Resolution to approve the following one time payment payable the second pay in July 2023 for Administrative Assistant duties in the District Office during contract year ending 2023 upon supervisory approval of work completed:

    Jessika Roberts                $7,000

    Kristen Eblin                      $7,000  

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    21. Administrative Assistant Duties - 2024

    Resolution to approve monthly payments in the amount of $1,250 ($15,000 total) payable on the second pay of each month to the following employees for performing duties of the Administrative Assistant in the District Office during contract year ending 2024 upon supervisory approval of work completed (payments to be prorated if duties aren't completed in full):

    Jessika Roberts                $15,000

    Kristen Eblin                      $15,000

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    22. Administrative Step placement

    Resolution to approve administrative step placement for the following administrators


    Chadwick Carpenter         High School Principal                                  Step 5

    Ty Stover                             High School Assistant Principal                 Step 4

    Matthew Bradley               Middle School Principal                              Step 5

    Shawn Winkelfoos             Elementary Principal                                   Step 9

    Jessica Litzenberg              Elementary Assistant Principal                  Step 6

    Caleb Duncan                     Elementary Assistant Principal                  Step 2

    Suzanne Kochheiser          Curriculum Director                                    Step 1

    Amy Randolph                    Director of Student Services                      Step 9

    Sara Wallace                        School Psychologist                                    Step 6

    Michael DeLaney                Athletic Director                                          Step 7


    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    23. Exempt Supervisor Step Placement

    Resolution to approve the following Exempt Supervisor step placements for FY24.

    Miranda Ulrey            Occupational Therapist             Step 4

    Leslie Reid                Occupational Therapist              Step 4

    Amy Rinehart            Family and Comm Liaison         Step 6

    Michelle Mosher        Family and Comm Liaison         Step 6

    Caitlyn Messmer        School Nurse                            Step 6

    Logan Adams            Nurse Aide                                   Step 5

    Jessika Roberts        Assistant Treasurer/HR               Step 1

    Dana Lehman            Tech Systems Admin                 Step 8

    Christine Scaffidi        Transportation Director           Step 5

    Kristen Eblin                EMIS                                            Step 2

    Derek Bower                Food Service Director              Step 1

    Kenneth Disbennett    Facilities Assistant                    Step 3

    Judy DeIuliis                Administrative Assistant           Step 10

    Melissa Stover            Administrative Support             Step 6

    Susan DeLaney        Accounts Payable                          Step 1

    Russell Balsinger        HVAC Supervisor                        Step 1

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    24. Administrative Pickup

    Resolution to approve the Board pickup of medical insurance and retirement for district administrators effective immediately.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    25. Non-Union Holiday Pay

    Resolution to approve holiday pay for hours worked by non-union staff on a holiday at straight time plus time and a half (i.e. holiday hours paid at straight time and time worked on holiday at time and a half (time + time and a half)) effective 7/1/2022.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    26. Approve Individual and Master Service Agreements

    Resolution to approve the individual and master service agreements between Specialized Education of Ohio, Inc. who owns High Road School of Bucyrus and Highland Local Schools.  

    Student Service Fee Extended School Year                      $4,510

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    27. Approve Athletic Training Services Agreement

    Resolution to approve the athletic services training agreement with Ohio Health.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    28. Mid-Ohio End of School Year Services

    Resolution to approve the agreement with Mid-Ohio ESC for End of School Year Services effective 6/5/2023.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    29. Middle School - Summer School

    Resolution to approve the middle school summer school program to be majority funded by the ARP ESSER program:

    • Bus drivers to be paid the trip rate for field trips (ARP ESSER).
    • Teachers/Aides to be paid $200 per field trip (ARP ESSER).
    • Cooks to be paid their hourly rate for lunch prep (ARP ESSER).
    • Admission for trips (ARP ESSER)
    • Food to be paid for from the general fund.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    30. Mid-Ohio ESC Estimate for Services During FY24

    Resolution to approve the Mid-Ohio ESC estimate for services during FY24.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    31. Schoology Renewal

    Resolution to approve the renewal of the Schoology one year subscription at a cost of $10,968.75 for SY23-24.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    32. Athletic Event Fees

    Resolution to approve the athletic event fees.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    33. Attorney General School Safety Grant

    Resolution to accept the Attorney General's School Safety Grant in the amount of $9,295.17.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    34. Federal Program Participation

    Resolution to approve the participation in all federal grants awarded, all competitive grants awarded, and all state grants awarded during FY2024.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    35. Approve Payment In-Lieu of Transportation

    Resolution to approve Payment In-Lieu of Transportation for the following students who live in the Highland District and attend  a private school elsewhere within 30 miles of the Highland District.  Transportation has been deemed impracticable.

    Ethan Dill                  Genoa Christian

    Norah Dill                  Genoa Christian

    Garrett Jones            Gilead Christian

    Brayden Jones           Gilead Christian

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    36. FY2023 Final Appropriations and Resources

    Resolution to approve the final fund level appropriations and estimate resources for FY2023.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    37. FY2024 Permanent Appropriations

    Resolution to approve the permanent fund level appropriations for FY2024.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    38. Commercial Insurance

    Resolution to approve the commercial insurance proposal from Liberty Mutual (includes Cyber) at a cost of $91,097.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    39. Donation - Jim Young Trucking

    Resolution to accept the donation of stone and skid loader costs from Jim Young Trucking for stone work at Highland Community Park worth $1,222.00.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    40. Move from Regular to Executive Session

    WHEREAS, as a public board of education may hold an executive session only after a majority of a quorum of this board determines by a roll call vote to hold such a session and only at a regular or special meeting for the sole purpose of the consideration of any of the following matters:
    1.  To consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual.
    2.  To consider the purchase of property for public purposes or for the sale of property at competitive bidding.
    3.  Conferences with an attorney for the board of education concerning disputes involving the board of education that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.
    4.  Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment.
    5.  Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules or state statutes.
    6.  Specialized details of security arrangements where disclosure of the matters discussed might reveal information that could be used for the purpose of committing or avoiding prosecution for a violation of the law.
    BE IT RESOLVED, that the Highland Local Board of Education, by a majority of the quorum present at this meeting, does hereby declare its intention to hold an executive session on item(s)                   as listed above.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    41. Regular Session Reconvened

    42. Adjourn this Meeting and Confirm Next Meeting Date

    Resolution to adjourn this meeting and schedule the next meeting of the Highland Local School District Board of Education to be held Wednesday, July 19, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the middle school robotics room. 
    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            
