Highland Local School District - Regular Meeting

Middle School Robotics Room
Wednesday, August 9, 2023 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm

    1. Call to Order

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    3. Roll Call

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    4. Approve Minutes

    Resolution to approve the minutes for the July 19, 2023 Regular Board of Education Meeting as presented
    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker               

    5. Approve Financial Statements
    Mr. Fleming

    Resolution to approve the July 2023 Financial Statements as presented.
    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker              

    6. Public Participation

    In order for the Board to fulfill its obligation to complete the planned agenda in an effective and efficient manner, a maximum of 30 minutes of public participation may be permitted at each meeting.
    Each person addressing the Board shall give his/her name.  If several people wish to speak, each person is allotted three minutes until the total time of 30 minutes has elapsed.  During that period, no person may speak twice until all who desire to speak have had the opportunity.  Persons desiring more time should follow procedure of the Board to be placed on the regular agenda.  The period of public participation may be extended by a vote of the majority of the Board present and voting.

    7. Accept Resignation Letters From Personnel

    Resolution to approve the resignation from the following personnel.

    Craig Alexander            Head Bus Mechanic (Effective July 28, 2023)

    Lori Stambaugh            Educational Aide (Middle School)

     Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker             

    8. Approve Administrative Contract Amendment

    Resolution to approve administrative contract amendment for combining preschool director and curriculum director effective 8/1/2023.

    Jessica Litzenberg            Curriculum Director Schedule   (Step 6)

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    9. Approve Classified Contract

    Resolution to approve a one (1) year contract for the following classified staff.

    Nathan Remley            Head Bus Mechanic                    (Step 4 effective July 31, 2023)

    Melanie Nauman         Administrative Assistant            (Step 27)

    Cindy Adkins                 Bus Driver                                    (Step 0)

    Beverly Arndt                Bus Aide                                       (Step 0)

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    10. Approve EA3 Stipends

    Resolution to approve a $600 supplemental for the following EA3 personnel for the 2023-2024 school year per the collective bargaining agreement.

    Lisa Stooksbury

    Jessica Dye

    Rebecca Cantrell

    Bethani Ebner

    Allison Weaver

    Camryn Taylor

    Ashley Hughes

    Beth Crumpler

    Danielle Rehm

    Tamara Ufferman

    Jennifer Kempton

    Eric Leprotti

    Cathy Poppell

    Michelle Marcum

    Jennifer Alexander

    Amy Ragor

    Olivia Hamilton

    Stephanie Jordan

    Marla Barnhart


    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    11. Approve Supplemental Contract

    Resolution to approve the following supplemental contract

    Chris Rupe        Middle School Golf Coach (Split)        9+ years exp.

    Dave Ware        Middle School Golf Coach (Split)        1 yr. exp.


    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    12. Approve Supplemental Contract

    Resolution to approve additional pay for elementary testing coordination at the hourly rate to be spread out evenly through each pay of the contract.

    Caleb Duncan        (210 hours)


    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    13. Trip Bonus for Bus Drivers

    Resolution to approve the payment of a trip bonus of $400 for every five (5) trips driven from June 5, 2023 through the end of FY2024 (6/30/2024).

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    14. Cell Phone Stipend

    Resolution to approve a $300 ($50/month) cell phone stipend to Todd Belcher for the service months of February through July when the Verizon service was terminated.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    15. Approve Mid-Ohio ESC Substitute List

    Resolution to approve the Mid-Ohio ESC teacher substitute list.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    16. Principal and Assistant Principal Tuition Reimbursement

    Resolution to approve tuition reimbursement for Principals and Assistant Principals annually at an amount equivalent to what teachers receive per credit hour each applicable year effective immediately.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    17. OSBA Delegate

    Resolution to approve Bill Short as the District's OSBA Delegate for the OSBA Capital Conference.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    18. Revised Fund Level Appropriations

    Resolution to approve the revised fund level appropriations.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    19. Post Issuance Compliance Policy

    Resolution to approve the updated Post Issuance Compliance Policy.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    20. HPS Purchasing Consortium

    Resolution to approve joining the HPS purchasing consortium for the purchase of food service items during school year 2023-2024.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    21. HVAC Climate Controls - Urgent Necessity

    Resolution declaring urgent necessity and waiving competitive bidding for the purpose of replacing climate controls in the District due to current systems becoming obsolete.  New controls to be purchased from and installed by Commercial Control Services.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    22. Bus Purchase

    Resolution to approve the purchase of one (1) 72 passenger Conventional PSI Gasoline bus from Rush Truck Centers at a cost of $127,930 through the META Solutions stock bus bid contract which includes warranty, cameras, and undercoating as listed in form T4

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    23. PreK Change Order #5

    Resolution to approve PreK change order #5.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    24. Move from Regular to Executive Session

    WHEREAS, as a public board of education may hold an executive session only after a majority of a quorum of this board determines by a roll call vote to hold such a session and only at a regular or special meeting for the sole purpose of the consideration of any of the following matters:
    1.  To consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual.
    2.  To consider the purchase of property for public purposes or for the sale of property at competitive bidding.
    3.  Conferences with an attorney for the board of education concerning disputes involving the board of education that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.
    4.  Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment.
    5.  Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules or state statutes.
    6.  Specialized details of security arrangements where disclosure of the matters discussed might reveal information that could be used for the purpose of committing or avoiding prosecution for a violation of the law.
    BE IT RESOLVED, that the Highland Local Board of Education, by a majority of the quorum present at this meeting, does hereby declare its intention to hold an executive session on item(s)                   as listed above.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            

    25. Regular Session Reconvened

    26. Adjourn this Meeting and Confirm Next Meeting Date

    Resolution to adjourn this meeting and schedule the next meeting of the Highland Local School District Board of Education to be held Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the middle school robotics room.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher             Burgess Castle             John Messmer             William Short             Eric Thacker            
