Highland Local School District - Regular Meeting

Elementary Library
Wednesday, February 14 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm

    1. Call to Order

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    3. Roll Call

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        

    4. Approve Minutes

    Resolution to approve the minutes for the January 10, 2024 Organizational and Regular Board of Education Meetings as presented.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        

    5. Approve Financial Statements
    Mr. Fleming

    Resolution to approve the January 2024 Financial Statements as presented.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        

    6. Public Participation

    In order for the Board to fulfill its obligation to complete the planned agenda in an effective and efficient manner, a maximum of 30 minutes of public participation may be permitted at each meeting.
    Each person addressing the Board shall give his/her name. If several people wish to speak, each person is allotted three minutes until the total time of 30 minutes has elapsed. During that period, no person may speak twice until all who desire to speak have had the opportunity. Persons desiring more time should follow procedure of the Board to be placed on the regular agenda. The period of public participation may be extended by a vote of the majority of the Board present and voting.

    7. Accept Resignation Letters From Personnel

    Resolution to approve resignations from the following personnel.

    Jessica Dye        Elementary Educational Aide    (effective 2/16/24)

    Tyler Huff        Elementary Custodian        (effective 2/2/24)

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        

    8. Approve Certified Contracts

    Resolution to approve the following certified contracts

    Indie Jones        Elementary Permanent Sub (effective 2/26/2024)

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        

    9. Approve Classified Contract

    Resolution to approve the following classified contracts

    Sarah Howell        EA2 Elementary       (step 3; effective 2/19/2024)    

    Bryan Gochenouer    ES Custodian    (step 0; effective 2/19/2024)

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        


    10. Approve Substitute Mechanic and Assistant Mechanic Rate

    Resolution to approve the Substitute Bus Mechanic and Substitute Assistant Bus Mechanic pay rate of step 0 per the adopted salary schedule for the position.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        

    11. Approve Classified Subs

    Resolution to approve the following classified sub:

    John King    Substitute Bus Mechanic and Substitute Assistant Bus Mechanic

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        

    12. Approve Leave of Absence / FMLA

    Resolution to approve a leave of absence for the following personnel

    Kelsey Penrod    MS Teacher    (approximately 2/5/24 to 3/15/24)

    Lori Rodgers    MS Cook        (approximately 1/24/24 to 3/20/24)

    Emily Roberts    MS Teacher    (approximately 4/9/24 to 6/3/24)

    Kayla Sammons    HS Teacher    (approximately 2/5/2024)

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        

    13. Approve EA3 Stipends

    Resolution to approve the following personnel for the EA3 stipend.

    Morgan Baldwin            (effective 1/22/2024)

    Sarah Howell                (effective 2/19/2024)

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        

    14. Approve Supplemental Contracts

    Resolution to approve the following supplemental contracts

    Don Kline        Head Varsity Baseball Coach    (9+ years)

    Wyatt Gresh    Varsity Assistant Baseball Coach    (2 years)

    Chad Williams    JV Head Baseball Coach    (9 Years)

    Tom Johnson    Split JV Assistant Baseball Coach    (4 Years)

    Travis Church    Split JV Assistant Baseball Coach    (9+ Years)

    Garrett Ulrey    Volunteer Baseball Coach

    Denny West    Assistant HS Track    (9+ Years)

    Barry Myers    Assistant HS Track    (9+ Years)

    Kipp Nelson    Assistant HS Track    (9+ Years)

    Satchel Denton    HS Jumps Coach    (3 Years)

    Camryn Taylor    HS Throws Coach Volunteer

    Abby Steele    Head Varsity Softball Coach    (2 Years)

    Shawn Wilhelm    Head JV Softball Coach    (9+ Years)

    Morgan Wilhelm    JV Assistant Softball Coach    (0 Years)

    Gar Keen    Split Varsity Assistant Softball Coach    (1 Years)

    Stewart Squires    Split Varsity Assistant Softball Coach    (0 Years)

    Derek Bower    MS Head Boys Track Coach    (9+ Years)

    Jeanie Styer    MS Head Girls Track Coach    (9+ Years)

    Dustin Green    MS Assistant Track Coach    (5 Years)

    Angel Cahall     MS Assistant Track Coach    (3 Years)

    Chris Rupe    MS Assistant Track Coach    (6 Years)

    Alec Fulwider    Volunteer Wrestling Coach

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        


    15. Approve OHSAA Membership

    Resolution to approve the membership with the OHSAA for the 2024-2025 school year.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        

    16. Approve Physical Education Flex Credit Waiver

    Resolution to approve the physical education flex credit waiver for the high school.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        

    17. Approve Trip Request

    Resolution to approve the following trip requests

    NJROTC Trip            March 1-2, 2024

    8th Grade DC Trip    May 21-24, 2024


    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        

    18. Knox County Learning Center Transportation

    Resolution to approve payment to Mt. Gilead Exempted Village School District for the costs of transporting Highland students to the Knox County Learning Center during school year 23-24, which will be supported by an itemized invoice.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        

    19. META Solutions Cooperative Bus Bids

    Resolution to approve participation in META Solutions Cooperative advertising and receipt of bids for school bus chassis and bodies for 2023-2024.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        

    20. Move from Regular to Executive Session

    WHEREAS, as a public board of education may hold an executive session only after a majority of a quorum of this board determines by a roll call vote to hold such a session and only at a regular or special meeting for the sole purpose of the consideration of any of the following matters:

    1. To consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual.
    2. To consider the purchase of property for public purposes or for the sale of property at competitive bidding.
    3. Conferences with an attorney for the board of education concerning disputes involving the board of education that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.
    4. Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment.
    5. Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules or state statutes.
    6. Specialized details of security arrangements where disclosure of the matters discussed might reveal information that could be used for the purpose of committing or avoiding prosecution for a violation of the law.
    BE IT RESOLVED, that the Highland Local Board of Education, by a majority of the quorum present at this meeting, does hereby declare its intention to hold an executive session on item(s) as listed above.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        

    21. Regular Session Reconvened

    22. Adjourn this Meeting and Confirm Next Meeting Date

    Resolution to adjourn this meeting and schedule the next meeting of the Highland Local School District Board of Education to be held Wednesday, March 13, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the middle school robotics room.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher         Burgess Castle         John Messmer         William Short         Eric Thacker        
