Highland Local School District - Regular Meeting

Middle School Robotics Room
Wednesday, May 8 - 6:00pm - 8:00pm

    1. Call to Order

    2. Pledge of Allegiance

    3. Roll Call

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    4. Approve Minutes

    Resolution to approve the minutes for the April 10, 2024  Regular Board of Education Meeting as presented

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    5. Approve Financial Statements
    Mr. Fleming

    Resolution to approve the April 2024 Financial Statements as presented.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    6. Board's Report
    Board of Education






    7. Public Participation

    In order for the Board to fulfill its obligation to complete the planned agenda in an effective and efficient manner, a maximum of 30 minutes of public participation may be permitted at each meeting.
    Each person addressing the Board shall give his/her name. If several people wish to speak, each person is allotted three minutes until the total time of 30 minutes has elapsed. During that period, no person may speak twice until all who desire to speak have had the opportunity. Persons desiring more time should follow procedure of the Board to be placed on the regular agenda. The period of public participation may be extended by a vote of the majority of the Board present and voting.

    8. Accept Retirement Letters From Personnel

    Resolution to approve retirement for the following personnel

    Beth Gress        ES Teacher

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    9. Approve Certified Contracts For 1 Year

    Resolution to approve the following certified contracts for 1 year.

    Belle Ayala                    HS ELA    (1 year position to cover maternity leave)

    Payton Woodruff       

    Kipp Nelson

    Shawn Wilhelm

    Luke Beal

    Marsha Welle

    Jen Taylor

    Carol Goodpaster

    Wes Newland

    Indie Jones

    Katy Farson

    Mary Conners

    Caitlin Harrod

    Nina Markovic

    Emily Shaw

    Tabitha Mogan

    Alyssa Marshall

    Kay Penix

    Chip Wendt

    Mary Louis

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    10. Approve Certified Contracts For 2 Years

    Resolution to approve the following certified contracts for two years.

    Thomas Haring

    Amber Billings

    Angel Cahall

    Jett Walls

    Heather Faulkner

    Elena Manning

    Daniel Cichon

    Samantha Mowry

    Amanda Romshak

    Samantha Bennett

    Hannah McAvoy

    Baylee Messmer

    Sarah Sholl

    Jacob Ware


    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    11. Approve Certified Contracts For 3 Years

    Resolution to approve the following certified contracts for three years.

    Mike Reid

    Susan Byler

    Kelsey Heiss

    Megan Williamson

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    12. Approve Certified Contracts For 5 Years

    Resolution to approve the following certified contracts for five years.

    Michelle Hudson

    Sarah Reynolds

    Corey Strinka

    Danny McMurry

    Amanda Wagoner

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    13. Approve Certified Continuing Contracts

    Resolution to approve the following certified continuing contracts.

    Joe Smith

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    14. Approve Classified Contract For 1 Year

    Resolution to approve the following classified contracts for one year.

    Christina Ford        ES Custodian    Step 0    (Effective 4-15-24)

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    15. Approve Classified Contract For 2 Years

    Resolution to approve the following classified contracts for two years.

    Amy Ciballi

    Jill Hunter

    Tosha Reichenbach

    Kelly Simms

    Jammie Varney

    Cortney Farmer

    Christi Holtrey

    Stephanie Lehman

    Brittney Mullins

    Lori Rodgers

    Rachel Shaffer

    Brian Ballard

    Sarah Garcia

    Hailey Guisinger

    Courtney Howell

    Sarah Howell

    Brittany Matthews

    Michelle Marcum

    Denise McClure

    Morgan McClure

    Julie McLeod

    Melanie Meade

    Tiffani Miller

    Heather Minor

    Amy Ragor

    Danielle Ulrey

    Allison Weaver

    Michelle Adkins

    Carlee Beam

    Kelsey Kincaid

    Ron Ragor

    Danielle Rehm

    Nate Remley

    Laura Ball

    Wes Collins

    Eayon Fiedler

    Lance Gallogly

    Matt Loughman

    Christina Ford

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    16. Approve Classified Continuing Contract

    Resolution to approve the following classified continuing contracts.

    Jen Bolton

    Brandie Eichorn

    Taylor Stepp

    Cecelia Hornsby

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    17. Approve Supplemental Contract

    Resolution to approve the following supplemental contracts

    Heather Faulkner        Assistant Band Director        (9+ Years)

    Logan Denman           Associate Band Director        (4 Years)

    Chris Rupe                 Fall Facilities Manager    (Split)

    Aaron Shipley             Fall Facilities Manager    (Split)

    Aubrey Lovely             Color Guard Coach (viewed as assistant)  (0 Years, group C)

    Christy Barnett            Fall HS/MS Cheer                  (7 Years)

    Rich Williams              Head HS Cross County          (8 Years)

    Adam Gilmore            Head MS Cross County          (4 Years)

    Ty Stover                    Head Football Coach              (3 Years)

    Tyler Gantz                Assistant Football                     (9+ Years)

    Ed Kitchen                Assistant Football                      (9+ Years) Split Contract minus $1,000

    Brian Ballard            Assistant Football                      (1 Year) Split Contract $1,000

    Matt Downing           Assistant Football                      (9+ Years)

    Travis Church           Assistant Football                      (9+ Years)

    Joey Longhino          Assistant Football                      (3 Years)

    Matt Jones                Assistant Football                      (9+ Years)

    Chad Williams           Assistant/Freshman                  (5 Years)

    Jacob Ware               MS Head Football                     (3 Years)

    Jesse Adams            MS Head Football                     (1 Year)

    Chris Rupe                Head Boys Golf                        (9+ Years)

    Dave Ware                Head Girls Golf                         (2 Years)

    Chris Rupe                MS Golf                                    (9+ Years)  Split Contract

    Garrett Fitzpatrick      MS Golf                                    (0 Years) Split Contract

    Satchel Denton          Head Boys Soccer                   (1 Year)

    Anthony Wilson          Head Girls Soccer                   (5 Years)

    Payton Woodruff        Assistant Boys Soccer             (1 Year)

    Riley Kemmer            Assistant Girls Soccer              (2 Years)

    Rob Terrill                   Head Volleyball                        (9+ Years)

    Shannon Belcher        Assistant Volleyball                  (9+ Years)

    Abby Steele                Assistant Volleyball                  (9 Years)

    Megan Oder                Assistant Volleyball                 (6 Years)

    Derek Bower                MS 8th Grade Volleyball        (9+ Years)

    Derek Bower                MS 7th Grade Volleyball        (9+ Years)  Split Contract

    Vicki Oder                    MS 7th Grade Volleyball        (9+ Years)  Split Contract

    Jake Broerman            MS Assistant Football             (2 Years)

    Kyle Anderson              MS Assistant Football            (1 Year)

    Suzie Byler                   MS Assistant Cross Country  (0 Years)  Split Contract

    Tammy Wetzel              MS Assistant Cross Country  (5 Years)  Split Contract

    Katie Pauley                 Summer School            (Hourly Rate)

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    18. Approve Administrative Support Staff

    Resolution to approve the following administrative support staff for a three year contract.

    Kristen Eblin

    Susan DeLaney

    Michelle Mosher

    Amy Rinehart

    Melissa Stover

    Leslie Reid

    Miranda Ulrey

    Logan Adams

    Caitlyn Messmer

    Sara Wallace

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    19. Approve Administrative Contracts

    Resolution to approve the following administrative three year contracts.

    Caleb Duncan

    Jessica Litzenberg

    Amy Randolph

    Kayla Ross

    Michael Keen

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    20. Exempt Employee Salary Schedules and Step Placement

    Resolution to approve the exempt employee salary schedules and step placements (step placements for 24-25 only)

    Susan DeLaney                        Accounts Payable                        Step 2

    Melissa Stover                          Administrative Support                 Step 7

    Kristen Eblin                              EMIS                                            Step 3

    Kenneth Disbennett                   Facilities Assistant                       Step 4

    Derek Bower                              Food Services Director                Step 2

    Russ Balsinger                           HVAC                                           Step 2

    Logan Adams                             Nurse Aide                                   Step 6

    Miranda Ulrey                            Occupational Therapy                  Step 5

    Jessika Roberts                         Asst Treasurer/HR                       Step 2

    Amy Rinehart                             Family Liaison                              Step 7

    Michelle Mosher                         Family Liaison                              Step 7

    Leslie Reid                                 Speech                                         Step 5

    Dana Lehman                            Technology                                    Step 9

    Sara Wallace                             School Psychologist                      Step 7

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    21. Administrative Salary Schedules and Step Placement

    Resolution to approve the administrative salary schedules and step placement (step placement for 24-25 only).

    Chad Carpenter                     HS Principal                               Step 6

    Ty Stover                               Assistant HS Principal                Step 5

    Matt Bradley                          Middle School Principal            Step 6

    Shawn Winkelfoos                 Elementary Principal                Step 9

    Caleb Duncan                        Elementary Asst Principal        Step 3

    Kayla Ross                             Literacy Specialist                    Step 1

    Jessica Litzenberg                 Elementary Asst Principal/Curriculum Director        Step 7

    Amy Randolph                       Special Education Director    Step 9

    Mike DeLaney                        Athletic Director                        Step 8

    Michael Keen                                Assistant Athletic Director        Step 1

    Chrissy Scaffidi                      Transportation Administrator        Step 6

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    22. Administrative Assistant Duties - 2025

    Resolution to approve monthly payments in the amount of $1,250 ($15,000 total) payable on the second pay of each month to the following employees for performing duties of the Administrative Assistant in the District Office during contract year ending 2025 upon supervisory approval of work completed (payments to be prorated if duties aren't completed in full):

    Jessika Roberts        ($15,000)

    Kristen Eblin              ($15,000)

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    23. Approve NJROTC Substitute Teacher

    Resolution to approve the following NJROTC Substitute

    John Sachleben        NJROTC Substitute (effective 4/15/2024)

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    24. Approve Summer Park Help

    Resolution to approve hiring two students for summer work at the park with a rate of minimum wage.


    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    25. Amend/Clarify Principal and Assistant Principal Tuition Reimbursement

    Resolution to amend resolution #23-08-208 to clarify reimbursable tuition for Principals and Assistant Principals by changing the amount to the average amount paid to teachers per credit hour each year.  Eligible amount to be adjusted annually based on the average amount per credit hour paid to teachers.  Eligible reimbursements will be paid at the same time as teachers.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    26. Approve Board Policy Changes

    Resolution to approve the following board policy changes

    PO2623            Student assessment and academic intervention services

    PO2623.02        Revised Third Grade Reading Guarantee

    PO3120.04        Employment of Substitutes

    PO3140             Termination and Resignation

    PO3432             Copy of Sick Leave

    PO4124              Employment Contract

    PO4140              Termination and Resignation

    PO4432               Copy of Sick Leave

    PO5310               Copy of Health Services

    PO8600               Revised Transportation

    PO8600.04           Revised Bus Driver Certification

    PO8640                Transportation For Non-Routine Trips

    PO8650                Transportation By Vehicles Other Than School Buses

    PO8660                Revised Incidental Transportation Of Students By Private Vehicle

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    27. Approve Athletic Fee Schedule

    Resolution to approve the athletic fee schedule for the 2024-2025 school year.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    28. Scholarships and Awards

    Resolution to approve scholarship payments and awards payments as awarded and documented by the guidance department.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    29. Approve Service Agreement

    Resolution to approve the service agreement with FutureEd Solutions to provide online coursework for credit recovery.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    30. Approve Agreement Services

    Resolution to approve an agreement with Mount Vernon Nazarene University to accept field placement students in Communication Sciences and Disorders.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    31. Knox County ESC Service Agreement

    Resolution to approve the agreement with Knox County ESC for 2024-2025 services.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      


    32. SESI Extended School Year Service

    Resolution to approve the agreement between Specialized Education of Ohio, who owns High Road School of Bucyrus, and Highland Local Schools.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    33. HS Gymnasium Sound Replacement

    Resolution to approve purchasing of a new HS gymnasium sound system through Daktronics per the attached proposal.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    34. Soccer Field

    Resolution to approve the estimate from B. Young Excavating LLC in the amount of $30,800 for soccer field construction.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    35. Approve Payment In-Lieu of Transportation

    Resolution to approve Payment In-Lieu of Transportation for the following students who line in the Highland District and attend a private school elsewhere within 30 miles of the Highland District.  Transportation has been deemed impracticable.

    Brooklyn Bateman                Gilead Christian

    Gage Beacom                       Gilead Christian

    Seth Ernsberger                    Gilead Christian

    Adam Ernsberger                  Gilead Christian

    Harper Gillen                         Gilead Christian

    Archer Persinger                   Gilead Christian

    Silas Snashall                       Gilead Christian

    Kimberlie Snashall                Gilead Christian

    Alexander White                    Mansfield Christian

    Joshua Sites                          Mansfield Christian

    Sydney Ceddia                      Genoa Christian

    Ehtan Dill                               Genoa Christian

    Norah Dill                               Genoa Christian

    Layla Hart                              Genoa Christian

    Lydia Hart                              Genoa Christian

    Jaidyn Julian                          Genoa Christian

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    36. Transportation Payment to Guardian

    Resolution to pay Shannon Dudick (guardian) an amount equal to payment in lieu of transportation for transportation provided during the 23-24 school year.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    37. Financial Statement Compilation

    Resolution to approve an agreement with The Auditor of State's LGS division for financial statement compilation services related to fiscal year 2024.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    38. Five Year Forecast

    Resolution to approve the May Five Year Forecast as presented by Mr. Fleming.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    39. Move from Regular to Executive Session

    WHEREAS, as a public board of education may hold an executive session only after a majority of a quorum of this board determines by a roll call vote to hold such a session and only at a regular or special meeting for the sole purpose of the consideration of any of the following matters:

    1. To consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual.
    2. To consider the purchase of property for public purposes or for the sale of property at competitive bidding.
    3. Conferences with an attorney for the board of education concerning disputes involving the board of education that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.
    4. Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment.
    5. Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules or state statutes.
    6. Specialized details of security arrangements where disclosure of the matters discussed might reveal information that could be used for the purpose of committing or avoiding prosecution for a violation of the law.
    BE IT RESOLVED, that the Highland Local Board of Education, by a majority of the quorum present at this meeting, does hereby declare its intention to hold an executive session on item(s) as listed above.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      

    40. Regular Session Reconvened

    41. Adjourn this Meeting and Confirm Next Meeting Date

    Resolution to adjourn this meeting and schedule the next meeting of the Highland Local School District Board of Education to be held Wednesday, June 12, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the middle school robotics room.

    Roll Call: Kathy Belcher        Burgess Castle        John Messmer        William Short        Eric Thacker      
