Middle School Robotics Room
Wednesday, June 12, 2024
- 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the minutes for the May 8, 2024 Regular Board of Education Meeting as presented.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the May 2024 Financial Statements as presented.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution declaring urgent necessity and waiving competitive bidding for the purpose of replacing an air handler in the Highland Elementary building due to being inoperable. Equipment to be purchased from Guenther Mechanical at a cost of $279,500.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
In order for the Board to fulfill its obligation to complete the planned agenda in an effective and efficient manner, a maximum of 30 minutes of public participation may be permitted at each meeting.
Each person addressing the Board shall give his/her name. If several people wish to speak, each person is allotted three minutes until the total time of 30 minutes has elapsed. During that period, no person may speak twice until all who desire to speak have had the opportunity. Persons desiring more time should follow procedure of the Board to be placed on the regular agenda. The period of public participation may be extended by a vote of the majority of the Board present and voting.
Resolution to accept the resignations of the following personnel
Jennifer Bolton MS Librarian/Paraprofessional
Bob Stooksbury ES Custodian
Mark Nelson HS Math
Brittany Renwick ES Cook (effective 5/22/2024)
Joseph Longhino HS Assistant Football Coach
Marsha Welle HS English
Tosha Reichenbach Cook
Anthony Wilson Head Girls Soccer Coach
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve a FMLA for the following personnel
Miranda Ulrey Maternity Leave (Effective May 6, 2024)
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve amending the following contract (increase from 159 day to 198 days).
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the following supplemental contract
Megan Dever Head Girls Soccer Coach (0 Years)
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the following certified contracts for one year.
Christina Hart ES Teacher (Step 0)
Benjamin Lannom HS Math (Step 0)
Belle Ayala HS English (Step 0)
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the following short contract year contract from 5/22/2024 through 6/30/2024.
Brittany Renwick ES Custodian (Step 3)
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the following classified one year contracts.
Brittany Renwick ES Custodian (Step 3)
Renae Schwartz MS EA2 (Step 1)
Madison Craigo School-Community Liaison Social Worker (Step 0)
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the following classified staff as a temporary transfer.
Kelly Simms HS Summer Custodian (Step 0)
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve extended service days for the following personnel
Kathleen Pauley High School Guidance Counselor 20 Days
Jordan Kennedy High School Guidance Counselor 20 Days
Brianne Jaynes Middle School Guidance Counselor 20 Days
Lynn Thompson Middle School Dean of Students 5 Days
Joseph Smith High School Ag Science Teacher 50 Days
Sarah Reynolds High School Ag Business Teacher 35 Days
Amy Arnett-Tomsak Instrumental Music Director 25 Days
Kayla McMurry Elementary Music Teacher 1 Day
Chad Russell Middle School Robotics 15 Days
Luke Burton High School Robotics 15 Days
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve extended time pay at their hourly rate for duties assigned by the Superintendent during the summer term.
Jordan Kennedy
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve an additional period of teaching for the 2024-2025 school year.
Corey Strinka
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve summer work, authorized by the Superintendent, for curriculum and leadership development payable at the equivalent of their hourly rate.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the summer student work program for the following students for no more than three weeks at an hourly rate equal to minimum wage.
Jacob Mohler
Dustyn Chmielewski
Kaleb Temple
Trenton Betschet
Kameron Stover
Maddie Carpenter
Lillia Roesky
Makenah Smith
Maddux Byard
Ethan Plunkett
Messiah Hooper
Henry Spence
Will Giffin
Ava Fichtner
Kaiden Swihart
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve summer custodial work for the following student at an hourly rate equal to minimum wage.
Caden VanDyke
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve payment of $1,000/ea. to Tarren Woodruff and Angel Cahall for supervising the summer work program, payable upon Superintendent approval of program completion.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the band trip August 8-9, 2024 to Indianapolis, IN for the Drum and Bugle Corps competition.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve new substitute teacher requirements.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the agreement with the Morrow County Sheriff's Office for a school resource officer.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the college credit plus stipend for teaching college credit plus courses at $250 per semester hour, per semester for the following personnel.
Angel Cahall
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the agreement with Mid-Ohio ESC for extended school year vision services.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the Mid-Ohio ESC Estimate for services during FY25.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the purchase of Chromebooks from Xtek at a cost of $120,275.00.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the cooperative agreement between the JEDD Board and Highland Local School District.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve a donation in the amount of $1,124.96 to the Morrow County Dog Shelter derived from a fundraiser for the purpose of donation.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve Payment In-Lieu of Transportation for the following students who live in the Highland District and attend a private school elsewhere within 30 minutes of the Highland District. Transportation has been deemed impracticable.
Garrett Jones
Brayden Jones
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the commercial paper activity report for FY23 (most current).
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the final fund level appropriations and estimated resources for FY2024.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the permanent fund level appropriations for FY2025.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the following transfer of funds as detailed in the approved May Five Year Forecast:
Transfer From:
General Fund 001-0000 $453,760.55
Transfer To:
School Bus Replacement Fund 001-9001 $90,000
Technology Replacement 001-9002 $200,000
Permanent Improvement Fund 003-9016 $100,000
Highland Park Fund 300-9700 $63,760.55
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to approve the commercial insurance proposal from Ohio School Plan (includes a stand alone cyber policy).
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to authorize the initiation of the selection process for a design professional to assist with the Slack Center improvements project and to procure vendors to perform the work.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
WHEREAS, as a public board of education may hold an executive session only after a majority of a quorum of this board determines by a roll call vote to hold such a session and only at a regular or special meeting for the sole purpose of the consideration of any of the following matters:
1. To consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual.
2. To consider the purchase of property for public purposes or for the sale of property at competitive bidding.
3. Conferences with an attorney for the board of education concerning disputes involving the board of education that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.
4. Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment.
5. Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules or state statutes.
6. Specialized details of security arrangements where disclosure of the matters discussed might reveal information that could be used for the purpose of committing or avoiding prosecution for a violation of the law.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Highland Local Board of Education, by a majority of the quorum present at this meeting, does hereby declare its intention to hold an executive session on item(s) as listed above.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker
Resolution to adjourn this meeting and schedule the next meeting of the Highland Local School District Board of Education to be held Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the middle school robotics room.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher Burgess Castle John Messmer William Short Eric Thacker