Highland Local School District - Regular Meeting

1. Call to Order


Mr. Messmer called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

2. Pledge of Allegiance


Mr. Messmer led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Roll Call

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker          


Mr. Messmer called roll.  Mr. Thacker was absent and Mr. Castle was absent at roll call but arrived at 6:02 pm.  All other members present.

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board Member   
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

4. Approve Minutes

Resolution to approve the minutes for the November 8, 2023 Regular Board of Education Meeting as presented.
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker          


Resolution: 23-12-292 Approve Minutes

Result: Approved

Motioned: Bill Short, Board Vice President

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board Member   
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

5. Approve Financial Statements
Mr. Fleming

Resolution to approve the November 2023 Financial Statements as presented.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker          


Resolution: 23-12-293 Approve Financial Statements

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Bill Short, Board Vice President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

6. Board's Report
Board of Education




Mr. Castle expressed concerns over pending issues with a staff member and communicated to the Board that he would have voted differently on contracts had he had all the information.


Mr. Messmer explained Mr. Castle, in recent voting, had voted yes on one contract, abstained on a second contract, and was absent from the June meeting regarding a third item.

7. Public Participation

In order for the Board to fulfill its obligation to complete the planned agenda in an effective and efficient manner, a maximum of 30 minutes of public participation may be permitted at each meeting.
Each person addressing the Board shall give his/her name.  If several people wish to speak, each person is allotted three minutes until the total time of 30 minutes has elapsed.  During that period, no person may speak twice until all who desire to speak have had the opportunity.  Persons desiring more time should follow procedure of the Board to be placed on the regular agenda.  The period of public participation may be extended by a vote of the majority of the Board present and voting.


Nathan Clark addressed the Board expressing views as a community member and parent in which he felt there was a lack of concern by administration and the Board regarding potential issues with a staff member.

8. Move from Regular to Executive Session

WHEREAS, as a public board of education may hold an executive session only after a majority of a quorum of this board determines by a roll call vote to hold such a session and only at a regular or special meeting for the sole purpose of the consideration of any of the following matters:
1.  To consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual.
2.  To consider the purchase of property for public purposes or for the sale of property at competitive bidding.
3.  Conferences with an attorney for the board of education concerning disputes involving the board of education that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.
4.  Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment.
5.  Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules or state statutes.
6.  Specialized details of security arrangements where disclosure of the matters discussed might reveal information that could be used for the purpose of committing or avoiding prosecution for a violation of the law.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Highland Local Board of Education, by a majority of the quorum present at this meeting, does hereby declare its intention to hold an executive session on item(s)                   as listed above.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker           


The Board entered into executive session at 6:37 pm for item number 1 above.

Resolution: 23-12-294 Move from Regular to Executive Session

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Bill Short, Board Vice President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

9. Regular Session Reconvened


Regular session reconvened at 6:52 pm.

10. Accept Resignation Letters From Personnel

Resolution to approve the resignation of the following personnel:

Angela Caudill        HS Cook
Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker           


Resolution: 23-12-295 Accept Resignation Letters From Personnel

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

11. Approve Classified Contract

Resolution to approve the following classified contracts:

Tyler Huff        ES Custodian    (Step 1); Effective December 4, 2023

Melanie Meade    EA2        (Step 1)    Effective Nov. 20, 2023

Melissa Bauer    Cook        (Step 0)

Kelsey Kincaid    Bus Aide    (Step 0)    Effective Nov. 20, 2023

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker           


Resolution: 23-12-296 Approve Classified Contract

Result: Approved

Motioned: Bill Short, Board Vice President

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

12. Approve Supplemental Contract

Resolution to approve the following supplemental contracts:

Brittney Noonan        HS Head Girls Track Coach        (0 Years)

Luke Beal                HS Head Boys Track Coach        (9+ Years)

Larquis Sowell        Volunteer Wrestling Coach

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker           


Resolution: 23-12-297 Approve Supplemental Contract

Result: Approved

Motioned: Bill Short, Board Vice President

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

13. Approve EA3 Stipends

Resolution to approve the EA3 stipend for the following classified staff:

Melanie Meade

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker           


Resolution: 23-12-298 Approve EA3 Stipend

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

14. Accept Retirement Letters From Personnel

Resolution to approve the retirement of the following personnel:

Beth Zeger    Educational Aide    Effective Dec. 31, 2023

Judy Deluliis    Administrative Assistant    Effective Jan. 31, 2024

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker           


Resolution: 23-12-299 Accept Retirement Letters From Personnel

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Bill Short, Board Vice President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

15. Approve Leave of Absence

Resolution to approve FLMA for the following personnel:

Robert Stooksbury    ES Custodian        (Effective 1-16-2024)

Alyssa Marshall        ES Teacher        (Effective 1-1-2024)

Allison Weaver        ES Teacher        (Effective 4-17-2024)


Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker              


Resolution: 23-12-300 Approve Leave of Absence

Result: Approved

Motioned: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

Seconded: John Messmer, Board President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

16. Approve First Reading of the 2024-2025 School Calendar

Resolution to approve the first reading of the 2024-2025 school district calendar.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker           


Resolution: 23-12-301 Approve First Reading of the 2024-2025 School Calendar

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

17. Approve MOU

Resolution to approve the MOU with the Highland Education Association for the salary schedule in accordance with House Bill 33.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker           


Resolution: 23-12-302 Approve MOU

Result: Approved

Motioned: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

Seconded: Bill Short, Board Vice President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

18. Approve Mid-Ohio ESC Substitute List

Resolution to approve the Mid Ohio ESC substitute teacher list.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker           


Resolution: 23-12-303 Approve Mid-Ohio ESC Substitute List

Result: Approved

Motioned: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

Seconded: Bill Short, Board Vice President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

19. Correct Supplementals

Resolution to approve/correct and void the following supplemental contracts (yrs of experience at previously approved amount if amount not listed and applicable):

Senior Class Advisor                        Katie Pauley only (void split payment between Katie Pauley and Jordan Kennedy)

After School Assistance                    Allison Hearlihy (void Syanne Palmer)

Junior Class Advisor                        Elena Manning (void Kayla Sammons); 0 yrs experience

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker          



Resolution: 23-12-304 Correct Supplementals

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

20. Approve Home Instruction Tutor

Resolution to approve the following personnel for home instruction tutor.

Tom Haring        Hourly Rate at BA Step 0


Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker          


Resolution: 23-12-305 Approve Home Instructor Tutor

Result: Approved

Motioned: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

Seconded: John Messmer, Board President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

21. Approve Guidelines For The Governor's Merit Scholarship

Resolution to approve guidelines for determining the top 5% of the class for the Governor's Merit Scholarship.


In order to be eligible for the Governor's Merit Scholarship you must have taken at least five Advanced courses. 

Those considered Advanced could have Advanced in the title of the course along with Anatomy, Spanish, Pre-Calculus or any high school courses taken in middle school. AP courses as well as CCP courses will also count as Advanced.)

If a tie breaker is needed, we will go in the following order:

1) Highest number of advanced courses

2) Highest ACT score (If they didn't take one that will count as a 0)


Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker          


Resolution: 23-12-306 Approve Guidelines for the Governor's Merit Scholarship

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Bill Short, Board Vice President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

22. Bus Driver Training Pay Amendment

Resolution to amend bus driver training pay (resolution #23-11-288) to include substitute bus drivers trained by the District payable when they successfully make it on the District's substitute bus driver list and substitute drive for the District at least once; effective June 20, 2023.  Rate of pay to be $12.75/hour.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker          


Resolution: 23-12-307 Bus Driver Training Pay Amendment

Result: Approved

Motioned: Bill Short, Board Vice President

Seconded: John Messmer, Board President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

23. Ohio Minimum Wage

Resolution to approve an increase in the sub rate of pay for the following classified positions effective January 1, 2024 to align with the increase in the State of Ohio minimum wage.

Sub Aide (EA-1)            $10.45 per hour

Sub Cook                      $10.45 per hour

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker          


Resolution: 23-12-308 Ohio Minimum Wage

Result: Approved

Motioned: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

Seconded: John Messmer, Board President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

24. Donation - Pearl Harbor

Resolution to approve a $9,100 donation from Bonecutter Companies for the NJROTC Pearl Harbor trip.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker          


Resolution: 23-12-309 Donation - Pearl Harbor

Result: Approved

Motioned: Bill Short, Board Vice President

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

25. Donation - Food Services

Resolution to approve donations from multiple sources for $2,118.06 to be applied to negative student cafeteria balances.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker          


Resolution: 23-12-310 Donation - Food Services

Result: Approved

Motioned: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

Seconded: John Messmer, Board President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

26. Donation - MS Backpack Blessings

Resolution to approve a $1,016.94 donation for application to MS Backpack Blessings.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker          


Resolution: 23-12-311 Donation - MS Backpack Blessings

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

27. Revised Appropriations and Estimated Resources

Resolution to approve the revised fund level appropriations and estimated resources.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker          


Resolution: 23-12-312 Revised Appropriations and Estimated Resources

Result: Approved

Motioned: Bill Short, Board Vice President

Seconded: John Messmer, Board President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

28. Medical, Dental, Vision Insurance

Resolution to approve the attached insurance premiums and carriers for medical (Cigna), dental (Lincoln Financial Group), and vision (VSP) for calendar year 2024 with board and employee contributions to remain at the contribution rates utilized for calendar year 2023, including HRA and HSA board amounts.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker          


Resolution: 23-12-313 Medical, Dental, Vision Insurance

Result: Approved

Motioned: Bill Short, Board Vice President

Seconded: John Messmer, Board President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

29. Approve President Pro-Tem for the January Organizational Meeting

Resolution to approve the President Pro-Tem for the January organizational meeting.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker           


Mr. Short motioned to nominate Mr. Messmer as President Pro-Temp.  This motion was seconded by Mrs. Belcher.  No other nominations made.  Mr. Messmer was approved.

Resolution: 23-12-314 Approve President Pro-Temp for the January Organizational Meeting

Result: Approved

Motioned: Bill Short, Board Vice President

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

30. Move from Regular to Executive Session

WHEREAS, as a public board of education may hold an executive session only after a majority of a quorum of this board determines by a roll call vote to hold such a session and only at a regular or special meeting for the sole purpose of the consideration of any of the following matters:
1.  To consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual.
2.  To consider the purchase of property for public purposes or for the sale of property at competitive bidding.
3.  Conferences with an attorney for the board of education concerning disputes involving the board of education that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.
4.  Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment.
5.  Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules or state statutes.
6.  Specialized details of security arrangements where disclosure of the matters discussed might reveal information that could be used for the purpose of committing or avoiding prosecution for a violation of the law.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Highland Local Board of Education, by a majority of the quorum present at this meeting, does hereby declare its intention to hold an executive session on item(s)                   as listed above.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker           


The Board entered into Executive Session at 7:07 pm.

Resolution: 23-12-315 Move from Regular to Executive Session

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

31. Regular Session Reconvened


Regular session reconvened at 7:29 pm.

32. Adjourn this Meeting and Confirm Next Meeting Date

Resolution to adjourn this meeting and schedule the Organizational and Regular Meetings of the Highland Local School District Board of Education to be held Wednesday, January 10, 2024 in the elementary library.  Organizational Meeting to be held at 5:45 pm followed by the Regular Meeting at 6:00 pm.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher           Burgess Castle           John Messmer           William Short           Eric Thacker          


Meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.

Resolution: 23-12-316 Adjournment

Result: Approved

Motioned: Bill Short, Board Vice President

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice PresidentX  
Eric Thacker, Board Member   
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX