Highland Local School District - Regular Meeting

1. Call to Order


Mr. Messmer called the meeting to order at 6 pm.

2. Pledge of Allegiance


Mr. Messmer led the Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Mr. Messmer called roll.  Mr. Short was absent.  All other member present.

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

4. Approve Minutes

Resolution to approve the minutes for the June 26, 2024 Regular Board of Education Meeting as presented

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-167 Approve Minutes

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: John Messmer, Board President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

5. Approve Financial Statements
Mr. Fleming

Resolution to approve the June 2024 and July 2024 Financial Statements as presented.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-168 Approve Financial Statements

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Eric Thacker, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

6. Public Participation

In order for the Board to fulfill its obligation to complete the planned agenda in an effective and efficient manner, a maximum of 30 minutes of public participation may be permitted at each meeting.
Each person addressing the Board shall give his/her name. If several people wish to speak, each person is allotted three minutes until the total time of 30 minutes has elapsed. During that period, no person may speak twice until all who desire to speak have had the opportunity. Persons desiring more time should follow procedure of the Board to be placed on the regular agenda. The period of public participation may be extended by a vote of the majority of the Board present and voting.


Tammy Drake addressed the Board about the safety of Highland Community Park due to the lack of netting around the ball fields and asked that the District secure a quote on netting.

7. Accept Resignation Letters From Personnel

Resolution to approve the following resignations:    

Jammie Varney    HS Cook

Sarah Howell        ES Aide

Melissa Hoar        HS Health 

Melanie Meade     ES Aide

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-169 Accept Resignation Letters From Personnel

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

8. Accept Retirement Letters From Personnel

Resolution to approve the following letters of retirement

Vicki Dunaway        ES Cook        (Effective 8-30-2024)

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-170 Accept Retirement Letters From Personnel

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: John Messmer, Board President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

9. Approve Leave of Absence

Resolution to approve the following maternity leave of absence

Caitlyn Messmer    (2024-2025 school year)

Kayla Arthurs    (return on Oct. 1, 2024)

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-171 Approve Leave of Absence

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

10. Approve Certified Contracts For 1 Year

Resolution to approve the following certified contracts for one year.

Craig Smith        HS Physical Education and Health    (Step 12)

Julia Baker        Interim School Nurse        (Step 6)

Karen Perry       HS Permanent Sub

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-172 Approve Certified Contracts For 1 Year

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Eric Thacker, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

11. Approve NJROTC Instructor 1 Year Contract

Resolution to approve the following 1 year contract:

John Sachleben    (NJROTC Instructor)

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-173 Approve NJROTC Instructor 1 Year Contract

Result: Approved

Motioned: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

Seconded: John Messmer, Board President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

12. Approve NJROTC Salary and Pay Structure

Resolution to approve the salary and pay structure of John Sachleben (NJROTC Instructor); salary subject to increase when congress enacts new scales and as such, the school share of salary could increase.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-174 Approve NJROTC Salary and Pay Structure

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

13. HVAC Assistant Salary Schedule

Resolution to approve the HVAC Assistant salary schedule.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-175 HVAC Assistant Salary Schedule

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Eric Thacker, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

14. HVAC Assistant

Resolution to hire the following HVAC Assistant for 1 Year (pay to be prorated depending on start date, which is to be determined):

Carl Hardwick                (Step 0)

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-176 HVAC Assistant

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

15. Position Title Revision

Resolution to approve changing Madison Craigo's position from School-Community Liaison Social Worker to Family Liaison.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-177 Position Title Revision

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

16. Approve Classified Contracts For One Year

Resolution to approve the following classified contracts for one year.

Carrie Roush        ES Aide (step 5)

Melanie Meade    ES Cook (step 8)

Amanda Chapman    HS Cook  (Step 1)

Angela Starner    ES EA2    (Step 5)

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-178 Approve Classified Contract For One Year

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Eric Thacker, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

17. Approve Classified Contracts for Two Years

Resolution to approve the following classified contracts for two years.

Beverley Arndt        Bus Aide

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker         




Resolution: 24-08-179 Approve Classified Contracts for Two Years

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

18. Approve EA3 Stipends

Resolution to approve a $600 supplemental for the following EA3 personnel for the 2024-2025 school year per the collective bargaining agreement.

Lisa Stooksbury

Ashley Hughes

Beth Crumpler

Angela Starner

Bethani Ebner

Heather Minor

Morgan McClure

Bryee Guisinger

Morgan Baldwin

Tammy Ufferman

Stephanie Lehman

Camryn Taylor

Sonja Cantrell

Brian Ballard

Brittney Mullins

Carrie Roush

Jennifer Alexander

Stephanie Jordan

Michelle Marcum

Amy Ragor

Danielle Ulrey

Gressa (Olivia) Hamilton

Brittany Matthews

Jennifer Kempton

Amy Ciballi

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-180 Approve EA3 Stipends

Result: Approved

Motioned: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

Seconded: John Messmer, Board President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

19. Approve Stipend To Bus Drivers Driving Sub Routes

Resolution to approve a stipend of $5,000 to the following sub bus route drivers to be paid on bi-weekly installments (will be pro-rated if employee separates from employment).

Toni Stepp

Taylor Stepp

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-181 Approve Stipend to Bus Drivers Driving Sub Routes

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Eric Thacker, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

20. Approve Supplemental Contract

Resolution to approve the following supplemental contracts:

Denise Stillwell        PowerSchool Leader        (5 years; 2% increase from prior year) 

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-182 Approve Supplemental Contract

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: John Messmer, Board President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

21. Approve Supplemental Contract

Resolution to approve additional pay for elementary testing coordinator at their hourly rate to be spread out evenly through each pay of the contract.

Caleb Duncan        (105 hours)

Jessica Litzenberg    (105 hours)

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-183 Approve Supplemental Contract

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

22. Approve Classified Subs

Resolution to approve the following classified subs:

Charles Pounds        Custodian

Corrine Ballard          Aide

Jen Bolton                 Aide

Britnie Weaver          Aide

Tara Weaver             Aide

Loretta Copeland      Bus Driver

Enoch Adkins            Bus Driver

Mardissa Thorpe       Bus Driver

John King                  Bus Driver

Amanda Chapman    Cook

Kelly Evans               Cook

Don Wymer               Custodian

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-184 Approve Classifed Subs

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

23. Approve Trip Bonus For Bus Drivers

Resolution to approve the payment of a trip bonus of $400 for every five (5) trips driven from July 1, 2024 through the end of FY2025 (6/30/2025).

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-185

Result: Approved

Motioned: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

Seconded: John Messmer, Board President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

24. Stipend for Cell Phone Usage

Resolution to approve a $600 cell phone stipend for the following personnel for the 24-25 school year for using their own personal cell phones for school business (considered 100% earned and payable in January 2025)

Nathan Huffman                  Chadwick Carpenter

Shawn Winkelfoos              Ty Stover

Matthew Bradley                 Caleb Duncan

Jessica Litzenberg              Amy Randolph

Michael DeLaney                Dane Lehman

Christine Scaffidi                 Derek Bower

Kenneth Disbennett            Gar Keen

Russ Balsinger                    Carl Hardwick

Marty Zeger

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-186 Stipend for Cell Phone Usage

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: John Messmer, Board President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

25. Knox Learning Center Transportation

Resolution to approve payment to Mt. Gilead Exempted Village School District for the costs of transporting Highland students to the Knox County Learning Center during school year 24-25, which will be supported by an itemized invoice.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-187 Knox Learning Center Transportation

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

26. Master Service Agreement

Resolution to approve the master service agreement between Specialized Education of Ohio, Inc. who owns High Road School of Bucyrus and Highland Local School District (effective 8/1/2024).

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-188 Master Service Agreement

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Eric Thacker, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

27. Mid-Ohio TVI and OM Services

Resolution to approve the agreement with Mid-Ohio ESC for TVI and OM Services as needed during school year 24-25.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-189 Mid-Ohio TVI and OM Services

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: John Messmer, Board President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

28. OSBA Delegate and Alternate

Resolution to approve Bill Short as the District's OSBA Delegate and Eric Thacker as the District's Alternate Delegate for the OSBA Capital Conference.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-190 OSBA Delegate and Alternate

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board Member  X
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

29. Payment in Lieu of Transportation

Resolution to approve Payment In-Lieu of Transportation for the following students who live in the Highland District and attend a private school elsewhere within 30 minutes of the Highland District.  Transportation has been deemed impracticable.

Teagan Drake                        Gilead Christian

Madysen Eubanks                 Gilead Christian

Hanna Ernsberger                 Gilead Christian

Seth Ernsberger                    Gilead Christian

Adam Ernsberger                  Gilead Christian

Archer Persinger                    Gilead Christian

Silas Snashall                        Gilead Christian

Kimberlie Snashall                 Gilead Christian

Brooklyn Bateman                 Gilead Christian

Landon Bateman                   Gilead Christian

William Jenkins                      Gilead Christian

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-191 Payment in Lieu of Transportation

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

30. Transfer Senior Class Funds

Resolution to approve the transfer of remaining unspent from the class of 2024 to the class of 2025.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-192 Transfer Senior Class Funds

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

31. HPS Purchasing Consortium

Resolution to approve joining the HPS purchasing consortium for the purchase of food service items during school year 24-25.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-193 HPS Purchasing Consortium

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: John Messmer, Board President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

32. Ratify Agreement with Guenther Mechanical

Resolution to ratify the agreement between Guenther Mechanical and Highland Local School District for the replacement of an elementary air handler.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-194 Ratify Agreement with Guenther Mechanical

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

33. Amended JEDD Agreement

Resolution to approve the amended JEDD agreement between the Village of Marengo, Bennington Township, and Highland Local School District.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Resolution: 24-08-195 Amended JEDD Agreement

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: Kathy Belcher, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

34. Move from Regular to Executive Session

WHEREAS, as a public board of education may hold an executive session only after a majority of a quorum of this board determines by a roll call vote to hold such a session and only at a regular or special meeting for the sole purpose of the consideration of any of the following matters:

1. To consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official or the investigation of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual.
2. To consider the purchase of property for public purposes or for the sale of property at competitive bidding.
3. Conferences with an attorney for the board of education concerning disputes involving the board of education that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.
4. Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment.
5. Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules or state statutes.
6. Specialized details of security arrangements where disclosure of the matters discussed might reveal information that could be used for the purpose of committing or avoiding prosecution for a violation of the law.
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Highland Local Board of Education, by a majority of the quorum present at this meeting, does hereby declare its intention to hold an executive session on item(s) as listed above.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


The Board entered into executive session at 7:16 pm for item #1 above.

Resolution: 24-08-196 Move from Regular to Executive Session

Result: Approved

Motioned: Eric Thacker, Board Member

Seconded: John Messmer, Board President

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX  

35. Regular Session Reconvened


Regular session reconvened at 7:57 pm.

36. Adjourn this Meeting and Confirm Next Meeting Date

Resolution to adjourn this meeting and schedule the next meeting of the Highland Local School District Board of Education to be held Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the middle school robotics room.

Roll Call: Kathy Belcher       Burgess Castle       John Messmer       William Short       Eric Thacker      


Meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm.

Resolution: 24-08-197 Adjournment

Result: Approved

Motioned: John Messmer, Board President

Seconded: Eric Thacker, Board Member

John Messmer, Board PresidentX  
Bill Short, Board Vice President   
Eric Thacker, Board MemberX  
Burgess Castle, Board MemberX  
Kathy Belcher, Board MemberX